153308 Class 153 Driving Motor Second Lavatory

Home Railway

Great Central Railway

Location History

Great Central Railway Jan 24-Present

Current Location

Great Central Railway



Current Status





Great Central Railway






Record Last Updated

1 April 2024


Preservation Modifications

Preservation Information
153308 was the second Class 153 to enter "preservation" although the owners, Great Central Railway, were quick to announce that the vehicle was not purchased as a traditional historic item and was fully intended to be used as a commercial asset intended for income generating testing contracts. It was acquired along with sister 153371 which came to the line shortly before 153308.

Very shortly after arrival 153308 was moved to Loughborough motive power depot where it received repairs and interior cleaning to quickly bring it back into a condition suitable for carrying passengers. In a "worst kept secret" style of delivery, the railway soon announced that 153308 was iun fact to do more than just private testing work and that enthusiasts were to be given the opportunity to enjoy the vehicle in heritage passenger service at their Spring diesel event.

Future Plans
153308 will continue to be used to generate income for the GCR by being available primarily for hiring and testing contracts, but also making special appearances at selected public events.


153308 on the depot at Loughborough being repaired and prepared for passenger service, 13/1/24. Harrison Fawcett


153308 being transported to the Great Central Railway and into preservation, 8/1/24. Andy Holton




153308's passenger saloon, whilst being repaired and prepared for passenger service, 13/1/24. Harrison Fawcett